This FAQ page has been designed to support all users get the most out of Recycle Den.
Please look through the list of FAQ and click on the question to take you directly to the response.
If you cannot find answers to what you are looking for or require further support in any way, please contact admin@recycleden.com
List of FAQ
(Click on the particular question to take you directly to the response)
How do I create a new profile for Recycle Den?
Click here to download our help page "Recycle Den - Create a new profile"
Do I need to be a member to use the site?
You do not need to be a registered user of the site to buy however signing up and creating your own free profile will allow you to record your activities and save your favourite listings.
All Recycle Den users wanting to sell or advertise on the site must be registered with their own profile. To create an account click here
What are the membership options?
Recycle Den have made it simple for individuals or businesses to advertise goods and services by creating the following plans:
As part of their profile, members of the site will have clear access to the number of credits they have and the time remaining on each listing. On rolling month contracts the credits are updated to the value of the monthly allowance. No unused credits will be accrued and rolled over to the next month.
Also, as part of their profile, members will be able to:
See the number of individual (unique) views of each listing
Edit profile and listing details
Modify plans or payment details
Promote listings
How do I advertise my business?
All users wanting to advertise their services will need to register on the site as a "buyer". (Click here)
Your business will be given a standard listing in the "Services" section of the site.
To enhance your listing, you can boost your advert by signing onto one of our plans. (Click Here)
How do I create a listing?
Click here to download our help page "Recycle Den - Create a new listing"
How much does it cost to advertise?
The cost for each listing will depend on the subscription chosen by the user. Click here to see membership prices
Do I need to be a member to advertise?
Yes. All users wanting to advertise through the site will need to be registered with a free basic membership as a minimum.
What's a "Credit"?
A "credit" is required to create a listing. Credits can be bought individually or through purchasing a plan. Click here
Sellers will require a 'credit' to advertise each listing. Our easy rule:
Members of the site will have clear access to the number of credits they have and the time remaining on each listing on their profile page.
How can I view my profile?
You will need to be a registered user to have a profile.
If you are registered user, please click "Login" which you will find near the top right hand corner of your screen on the menu bar as shown.
You will need to enter your email and password before seeing your profile. If you have forgotten your login details please contact: admin@recycleden.com
How do I edit my profile?
You will need to be a login to your account. We have created a help page to help you understand the features of your profile.
Click here to download our help page "Recycle Den - My profile"
How can I edit or delete a listing?
You will need to be a login to your account. We have created a help page to help you edit or delete a listing.
Click here to download our help page "Recycle Den - Edit Listing"
Can I change my plan?
You can change your plan at any time by logging into your account. The front page of the account will clearly show what plan you are currently on. Simply click "Manage" to chose an alternative plan as seen below.
How can I promote my listing on the site?
Yes. You will need to log in and go "My Listings" on your profile. Find the listing that you want to promote. Press the boost button on the listing.
You will be prompted to confirm your command and have your stored payment details debited.
Your listing will be highlighted and boosted in the listing rankings for 30 days.
How do I contact the seller if I am interested in buying?
Access the listing that you are interested in and press the "Enquire Now" button. (This is found near the top right of the listing).
This will now allow you to access the following page and initiate communication with the seller.
Do I send money to Recycle Den for the goods I want to buy?
NO! Recycle Den is an advertising platform only. All business arrangements and transactions are agreed between the seller and the buyer.
How can I add and store my favourite listings?
This is a simple feature but you will need to be a registered user. Firstly click on the listing that you wish to favourite. Next, to the price at the top right of the listing, you will see the favourite icon.
Clicking this icon will automatically send it to your favourites list on your profile. To view all your favourites, click on "My Account" on the main top menu bar and then select "My Favourites" from the side menu bar within your account profile. To remove the listing simply re-check the icon in the listing.