Terms & Conditions
Please read these carefully.
Recycle Den - Terms of Use
Welcome to Recycle Den. This online service is operated by Recycle Link Wales, 80 Everest Avenue, Cardiff, CF14 5AR United Kingdom.
Users of the Recycle Den can use the site to:
· Advertise their business.
· Advertise the sale or hire of their own goods and services.
· Receive offers and requests that come back from the advertisement of their own goods and services.
· View advertised listings of goods and services by other users.
By accessing Recycle Den you as a user are agreeing to the following conditions:
As the User
Every user who publishes on Recycle Den bear sole responsibility and liability for the accuracy of the information contained in their profile and advertisements.
The user is obligated to provide their name, address and valid email when providing contact details.
One credit equals one advertisement. Only one advertisement can be placed for each good or service that is being advertised. Entering one and the same machine in multiple (sub)categories is not allowed.
In addition, the user will agree not to:
· violate any laws;
· violate the Posting Rules;
· post any threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene or indecent material;
· post or otherwise communicate any false or misleading material or message of any kind;
· infringe any third-party right including the use of catalogue pictures
· copy, modify, or distribute any other person's content without their consent;
· collect information about others, including email addresses, without their consent;
· sell any counterfeit items or otherwise infringe the copyright, trademark or other rights of third parties.
Users are encouraged to contact Recycle Den immediately if they witness any breach of these conditions within the site.
The user is solely responsible for all information submitted to Recycle Den and any consequences that may result from that.
It is the responsibility of the user to independently and immediately delete their goods or services if the advertisement is no longer offered or wanted. Users have the ability to modify or delete their listing at anytime.
As the Operator
Recycle Den reserve the right at their discretion to refuse or delete content that is believed to be inappropriate or breaching the above terms. Recycle Den also reserve the right at their discretion to restrict a user's usage of Recycle Den either temporarily or permanently, or refuse a user's registration.
As the operator, Recycle Den is not obligated to verify whether orders and advertisements infringe third-party rights.
Recycle Den is not an agent or dealer, but rather solely makes available an advertising database for buyers and sellers.
Contracts which are initiated because of an advertisement placed on Recycle Den are established without the legal involvement of the operator.
Nothing in these terms shall limit our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation, injury resulting from our negligence or the negligence of Recycle Den. Users agree not to hold Recycle Den responsible for things other users post or do.
Recycle Den do not review users' postings and are not involved in the actual transactions between users. As most of the content on Recycle Den comes from other users, Recycle Den do not guarantee the accuracy of postings or user communications or the quality, safety, or legality of what's offered.
In addition, as the operator Recycle Den is not liable for:
· the content of the information provided by users.
· damages arising from the fact that advertisements are not published or are published in shortened or falsified form.
· the suitability of the product for sale or other purposes.
· for errors in the transmission of inquiries.
· for technical disruptions in the operation of the web pages of the online services. Recycle Den bears no liability in the event that information is not provided in uninterrupted manner or is not free from errors.
Membership and Fees
Users can register and create a profile for free
If a user wishes to advertise a fee does imply. A price list of plans to advertise can be found at www.recycleden.com
Payment for the advertisement is charged in advance for the agreed contractual period.
“Credits” are allocated to use for advertising. Once 1 credit equals 1 advert for a 30 day period.
Data protection
The protection of the personal data provided is very important to Recycle Den. Privacy rules, as specified in the Privacy Policy, apply.
Resolution of disputes
If a dispute arises between you and, we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by emailing: info@recyleden.com
Intellectual property
As the operator, all rights to Recycle Den and other documents / materials provided by the Operator to the user are and remain the sole property of the operator.
The General Terms and Conditions may be changed where necessary to accommodate developments in the site and business. The most up to date terms and conditions will be held as a link on the home page of Recycle Den